Afterschool Academic Support
Our afterschool program is tailored to meet each student’s unique needs. The goal is to offer differentiated instruction that helps students grasp essential skills and achieve their learning objectives in various subjects.
Students at Mohammadia Madrasha have the opportunity for one-on-one tutoring during the week as needed, depending on their progress throughout the school year. Our tutors collaborate with each child to reinforce understanding of concepts and guide them to various online resources that enhance their studies. Each student can receive up to two hours of tutoring per week.
Group study sessions and collaboration with peers in similar subjects and grade levels make the learning experience dynamic and rewarding. Students and tutors can engage in discussions, and the questions raised by students often lead to a deeper understanding of the material.
Home Visits
Mohammadia Madrasha offers the option for home tutoring upon request by parents, available for an additional fee. This type of tutoring can be beneficial in engaging a child and helping them grasp challenging subjects. Our tutors will be available according to their schedules for the requested week.
The program content emphasizes:
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary development
- Word knowledge and analysis
- Fluency
- Phonics
The skill development areas encompass:
– Organization and application of the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
– Formulation and implementation of composition techniques, such as thesis statements, topic sentences, organized details, and transitions.
– Types of composition, including descriptive, illustrative, persuasive, cause and effect, and compare and contrast.
Program content focuses on:
Middle School Math
• Fractions
• Decimals
• Area, perimeter and volume – Graphing
• Probability and Statistics
• The Four Operations
• Ratio, proportion and percent – And more!
High School Math
• Algebra 1 & 2
• Precalculus
• Geometry
• Calculus
• Trigonometry
• Integrated Math
Our science program offers assistance in a variety of areas:
• Earth Science
• Life Science
• Biology
• Chemistry
• Physics
Qur’an Classes
As the ultimate revelation to humanity, the teachings of the Holy Qur’an serve as a crucial guide for those seeking a moral path to success. Our instructors emphasize different facets of comprehending this sacred text.
Islamic Classes
A moral community fosters a creative society and promotes values of caring and sharing. The Islamic courses at Mohammadia Madrasha are designed to cultivate ethical standards through self-reflection and critical analysis.
Foreign Languages
Our students are fortunate to be part of a community rich in diverse world religions, making it essential for them to recognize and appreciate both the similarities and differences among them. The greater our students’ awareness of this diversity, the more effectively they can understand their own beliefs.
Languages offered: